Brisk walk
Brisk walk

brisk walk

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brisk walk

This will make the body more flexible over time because you are actually working the muscles without any external resistance. Together, these benefits of brisk walking help you perform better physically and increase your stamina. As you increase the speed and duration of your walk, you will also build more muscle. Running involves a high range of motion in your arms and legs, so is very useful for the joints. Studies have also shown that regular jogging is effective in reducing the level of bad cholesterol in the body. Brisk walking is the best preventive measure against heart diseases and other concomitant diseases. With brisk walking, you increase your heart rate, that is, better blood circulation and strengthen the muscles of the body. When you do a brisk walk several times per week, you may experience health benefits, such as a drop in blood pressure and a decreased risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Unlike other forms of exercise, it has a low risk of injury and is a low-cost activity.

Brisk walk